More than 1,500 tourists visit Huíla in 30 days

  • Luanda • Thursday, 18 April de 2024 | 11h09
Turistas em unidade hoteleira do Lubango
Turistas em unidade hoteleira do Lubango
Morais Silva - ANGOP

Lubango - More than 1,500 tourists visited Lubango, southern Huíla Province, in the last 30 days, 75% are foreign citizens who for the first time were in that city, announced today, Thursday, the Office of Culture, Tourism, Youth Sports.

According to its director, Osvaldo Lunda, these numbers, which tend to increase, generate revenue for service providers, who also invest in hiring labor to respond to demand.

He justified the increasing trend, with the international and national events that Lubango hosted, such as the meeting of SADC employment and labor ministers and the meeting of experts against money laundering in the southern and eastern region of Africa.

“The numbers tend to increase, judging by the highest level of national and international events that Lubango still has to host throughout the year”, highlighted Osvaldo Lunda.

During this period, Lubango's hotel units had an average occupancy rate above 90% of accommodation reservations.

At provincial level there are 12 hotels, 2 resorts, 13 tourist villages, 104 guesthouses, 374 restaurants and 1,146 similar restaurants.


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