Humpata - The Italian companies based in Angola, through the mediation of the country’s Embassy are to fund the Ondimba cave, located in Humpata municipality, central Huila province, for better tourist and scientific exploration.
The cave has no scientific studies on its geological formation and with research in the field of tourist exploitation of the cave, new data is expected to be revealed about its history.
Speaking to ANGOP,the head of Tac Tour, Carlos Bumba, said that he was working with specialists in geology, archaeology, biology and hydrology, and was waiting for a Portuguese speleologist, who is due to arrive in Angola later this year to complete the work.
He explained that as soon as the specialist arrives in Angola, priority will be given to the Tchivinguiro cave, but as there is no study of other caves in the country, he will already carry out an extensive assessment of other caves in other provinces.
He said that the idea is to twin the Tchivinguiro cave with the caves in Italy that have already been worked on, in order to draw on the experience of each of them and thus put the Humpata cave on the international tourism route.
“The cave is one of the few in the world that combines other types of tourism and thus empowers the community, values the space, raises the knowledge of those who visit it, the local community and promotes the development of the area,” he added.
Carlos Bumba stressed that only after the in-depth scientific study will it be possible to present a budget plan so that the Italian embassy can support the twinning and tourism work, with the sponsorship of Italian companies.
He justified the choice of Huíla to start the work because of studies by a Portuguese archaeologist who has identified nearly 80 unexplored caves in the province.
The cave, located in Tchivinguiro, near Serra da Leba, 45 kilometers from the municipal seat of Humpata, is one of Huíla's “natural wonders”, characterized by a mountain with some perforations that make up the aforementioned caves, with galleries inside and a lake located at the front of the cave. EM/MS/TED/AMP