Angola believes in continuity of US investment in Lobito Corridor

  • Luanda • Thursday, 25 July de 2024 | 19h13
Caminho de Ferro de Benguela CFB, parte do corredor do Lobito
Caminho de Ferro de Benguela CFB, parte do corredor do Lobito
Laite Tito - ANGOP

Lobito - The minister of Transport, Ricardo D'Abreu, expressed this Thursday, in Benguela, his conviction in the continuity of North American investment in the Lobito Corridor, regardless of the results of the upcoming presidential elections in the United States.

Ricardo D'Abreu answered to a journalist about the possible implications of the result of the presidential elections next November in the USA, on this country's investment in the aforementioned venture.

For the minister, one thing is the political commitment between the United States and Africa, and another is the pillars of Joe Biden's policy.

"We are convinced that it will not be the Biden factor or other political actors that will change this global commitment agenda", he stated.

According to Ricardo D'Abreu, these are issues of an economic nature, climate preservation, the environment and the energy transition.

"I don't imagine, for example, that the energy transition agenda will change, and Africa may have a great opportunity to take advantage of this train of progress and ensure that it is part of that agenda", the minister said.

Regarding the visit of the Portuguese Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, to the infrastructures of the Lobito Corridor, Ricardo D'Abreu highlighted the intervention of Portuguese companies in the areas of public investment projects and public-private partnerships.

Referring to Mota Engil, within the scope of the Lobito Atlantic Railway consortium, he said that they are very emblematic projects, not only for the province of Benguela but the country, in which Portugal ends up playing a key role.

"I think that the Portuguese Prime Minister left with a more concrete image of our reality, being able to understand the dimension of the challenges and steps that we have been taking, and the opportunities that are opening up from this moment onwards", he said.

According to the minister, as a result of this incentive for Portuguese private investment abroad, Luís Montenegro brought more entities to Angola, supporting economic diversification and generating jobs and wealth.

"At the same time, he showed that these investments, of a more public nature, are also at the service of the country's economy and progress", concluded the minister.


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