Angola Cable presents tool to prevent cyber attacks

  • Luanda • Thursday, 21 July de 2022 | 21h32
Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Media, Manuel Homem
Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Media, Manuel Homem
Inácio Vica

Talatona- The technological company Angola Cable presented Thursday, in Luanda, a technological tool called "Shieldszafrica" aimed at preventing cyber attacks.

On the occasion, the minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Media, Manuel Homem, said the visible position of Angola at the level of Africa, in terms of records of cyber attacks, is due to the investments made in submarine cables allowing the country to have a visible international location, from the point of view of physical connection.


According to the minister, this visibility allows one to have a greater notion of the cyber attacks that happen around the world, a situation that demands more responsibility from internent users and telecommunication companies.


Manuel Homem stressed that this does not necessarily mean that the attacks are permanent and cause damage to public and private infrastructures, since there are no records of unavailable services in the institutions, having highlighted the country’s improved capacity to monitor national communications.


According to the minister, business opportunities in the telecommunications areas are based on knowledge, know-how to implement, to allow the expansion of the offer that impacts the final cost of the operators or users. 


The minister defended the continuation of this sort of work, since the country has the capacity to continue creating international infrastructures.

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