Luanda - The Angolan government and the European Union (EU) on Thursday brought together members of civil society, in Luanda, as part of the campaign to combat domestic violence.
According to figures from the Ministry for Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women (MASFAMU), throughout the country this year, the Ministry registered 2,929 cases of domestic violence, via family counselling centres and rooms.
The day, as part of the programm of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, aims to eliminate violence against women by 2030, with global calls to raise awareness, stimulate efforts and advocacy and share knowledge and innovations.
Speaking at the event, the Secretary of State for Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women, Elsa Barber, mentioned that violence against women is the greatest violation of human rights that occurs in the family nucleus.
According to Elsa Baber, it is necessary to unite synergies and strategies to stop this phenomenon, through awareness and education of good practices.
"We therefore welcome the European Union's initiative, as a clear demonstration of the commitment of our partners in supporting the Angolan state in preventing and combating violence against women," she said, adding that the partners are the long arm of the Government, which contribute to identifying the problems and mitigating the risks and protecting the victims.
For her part, the EU Ambassador, Jeannette Seppen, defended the non-violation of human rights and discrimination against women and girls, acts of gender violence, physical, sexual and psychological harm.
Jeannette Seppen pointed out that in the 28 countries of the European Union, 43 per cent of women have suffered some form of psychological violence from a partner.