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Action plan for employability reaches over 100,000 jobs

  • Luanda • Friday, 30 December de 2022 | 17h33
Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security Teresa Dias
Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security Teresa Dias
Rosário dos Santos - ANGOP

Luanda - A total of 100, 194 jobs were created between 2019 and 2022 through the Action Plan for Promotion of Employability (PAPE), the minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security, Teresa Dias, said Friday.

According to the minister, it was possible to increase last year the training offer, with the construction of five new vocational training centres in the provinces of Luanda, Huambo, Uíge, Bié and Namibe and the refurbishment and equipping of four others in the provinces of Lunda Sul, Zaire, Cuanza Norte and Luanda.


The minister added that the recent creation of the National Qualifications Institute, will contribute to a significant improvement in the quality of trainees and qualification levels, making an attractive offer available at a non-higher level.


She underlined that the objective is to promote the valorisation of initial and continuous training and lifelong learning, without neglecting the insertion of the trainees in the labour market.


According to the minister, the first step towards the introduction of reforms at the level of general labour inspection was taken with the promotion and approval of the Labour Inspector's Statute, the remuneration regime of the special career of the general labour inspection and the new Organic Statute of the General Labour Inspection.


Child Labour


The minister underlined that one of the challenges of the sector is to give continuity to the eradication of child labour, fulfilling the recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the programmes managed by the executive in this domain.


"The Government has been very concerned in mitigating the consequences that affect this fringe of society, so, recently, through the presidential decree no. 285/22, of 08 December, the list of prohibited or conditioned work for minors was updated", the minister said.


Social Security


 Teresa Dias also highlighted the ongoing reforms at the level of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), based on the need for modernisation and greater efficiency.


According to the minister, the process of changes at the social security level allowed for the widening of the contributor base and greater robustness of the sector, with  currently 219,276 contributors, 2.5 million secured people and 196,302 pensioners controlled.




For 2023, the minister said that major challenges includes institutional capacity-building, boosting human resources in the public administration, simplifying and modernising public services and improving organisation and working conditions.


The minister pointed out as challenges the approval and execution of the national employment programme, review of the social protection model and modernisation and expansion of mandatory social protection.


The implementation of the integrated human resources management system (SINGERH) and the monitoring of the approval process of the proposed new General Labour Law are other challenges the sector intends to face.

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