Uíge - The role of women in promoting family farming and diversifying the economy was highlighted on Saturday in the municipality of Bungo, northen Uíge province, during the opening of the March for Women event.
The event was led by the provincial secretary of the Agolan woman organization (OMA) in Uíge, Gertrudes dos Santos Gastão, who emphasised the importance of the event for reflection on respect for women's rights and their participation in the country's political, socio-economic and cultural development process.
"The MPLA's women's organisation continues to raise awareness among women to be an example of citizenship and contribute to strengthening democracy," she said.
At the end of the meeting, the leader urged OMA activists, friends and sympathisers to take part in the activities scheduled for Angolan Women's Day and International Women's Day, respectively.
The March Women's Day celebrations are being held under the slogan "Angolan women, participation, inclusion and development". JAR/DAN/DOJ