Luanda – At least 200 tons of several goods were sent to the southern province of Cunene on Tuesday to assist the population affected by the drought in the southern region of Angola.
The batch is part of the SOS South Campaign in Angola, under the coordination of the Entrepreneurial Group (GTE), aimed to assist the population of the southern provinces of the country.
The campaign has been promoted by Entrepreneurial Technical Group since March this year and has so far raised more than 800 tons of various food items and detergents.
It is coordinated by the South Angola Cattle Breeders Cooperative (CCGSA), which has the responsibility to deliver to the population of the municipalities of Curoca and Cahama (Cunene), Virei (Namibe) and Gambos (Huila).
The GTE is a platform for business dialogue between the Executive and Angolan businessmen regarding the definition of policies for the development of the national business sector and currently consists of 20 Business Associations from Angola.