Luanda – The Minister of Public Administration, Labor and Social Security, Teresa Rodrigues Dias, stated on Wednesday in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) that, during the year of 2024 Angola registered a total of 207,358 net jobs.
The Angolan official made the statement at the 2nd Edition of the GLMC (Global Labor Market Conference), which takes place from Jan 29 to 30, highlighting the creation of the National Employment Observatory.
According to the minister, the Angolan government is committed to the issue of employability to secure social inclusion and reduce poverty.
Teresa Dias also spoke about the Angolan National Employment Fund, which will finance initiatives aimed at promoting professional training and self-employment, supporting entrepreneurship and intensifying paid professional internships.
"The government’s concern has been enormous in promoting the digital transformation process, highlighting both the dominance of Start Ups, as well as the importance of Technological Professional Training Centers", the minister said.
The minister explained that the National Institute of Employment and Vocational Training managed to train a total of 112,336 citizens, in the 1,801 training units, underlining that there is still a long way to go in promoting decent and sustainable employment.
Global Labor Market Conference addresses the rapid global changes impacting the job market.
It brings together 45 labor ministers from around the world, legislators, worker and employer representatives, business leaders, researchers and staff from the International Labor Organization (ILO), in the search for solutions and advances that effectively create more balanced and beneficial environments for all.