Luanda - A cumulative total of 783 cases of cholera have been recorded in the country, of which 35 patients have died, since the confirmation of the first case of the outbreak, on day one (1) of this month.
According to the Information Bulletin of the last 24 hours, from the Ministry of Health (MINSA), of the aforementioned cumulative cases, 546 occurred in Luanda, 149 in Icolo and Bengo, 84 in Bengo, three in Malanje and one in Huambo.
In relation to the 35 deaths, 25 were registered in the province of Luanda, in the municipalities of Cacuaco (21), Mulenvos (2), Belas (1) and Sambizanga (1), six in Bengo (Dande 3, Panguila 2 and Barra do Dande 1) and four in Icolo and Bengo (all in Sequele).
Patients are between two (2) and 81 years old, with the most affected age groups being two to nine years old, with 195 cases and 11 deaths, and 10 to 19 years old, with 198 cases and five deaths.
Of these numbers, 413 (53%) are female.
In the document, MINSA appeals to the population to maintain preventive care against the disease, as well as any patient with diarrhea and vomiting must be taken immediately to a Cholera Treatment Center or the nearest health unit.
Another preventive measure involves drinking plenty of boiled water or water treated with five drops of bleach, homemade serum prepared with two tablespoons (tablespoons) of sugar and one spoon (teaspoons) of salt for one liter of boiled water. or treated. AB/SEC/DOJ