Luanda – One hundred and five patients recovered, three deaths and eighty-six new infections is the update on the incidence of the newcoronavirus in Angola, in the last 24hours, according to what was announced by the health authorities.
According to the report, among the new patients 35 are in Luanda Province, 22 in Huambo, 11 in Zaire, 4 in Uíge, 4 in Cabinda, 2 in Huíla, 2 in Moxico and 1 in Malanje.
Among the newly infected, whose ages go from 1 and 76 years, 46 of them are male and 40 are female.
The three deaths, on the other hand, involve citizens staying in the provinces of Huambo, Uíge and Bié.
The labs processed 1,461 RT-PCR samples.
Angola now totals 18,765 positive cases, with 16,225 recovered ones, 431 deaths and 2,109 active.
Of the diseased patients, 13 are in critical condition, 8 severe, 83 moderate, 93 mild and 1,912 asymptomatic.
In the treatment units there are 195 patients, while in the institutional quarantine centers there are 148 citizens.
According to the epidemiological bulletin, 3,168 citizens are under medical surveillance.