Luanda - The health authorities announced, this Thursday, the death of 26 patients, 453 new cases and the recovery of 427 people, in the last 24 hours.
According to data from the daily bulletin, Luanda province registered 11 deaths, Huíla 7, Cuanza Sul 3, Benguela 2, Huambo 2 and Uíge 1.
Among the new cases, he said, 324 were diagnosed in Luanda, 31 in Benguela, 22 in Uíge, 16 in Huíla, 15 in Huambo, 12 in Zaire, 9 in Cabinda, 9 in Malanje, 9 in Namibe, 3 in Bié, 2 in Cuanza Sul and 1 in Bengo.
With ages ranging from 7 days to 86 years, the list includes 246 male and 207 female patients.
Of those recovered, 384 reside in Luanda, 23 in Huíla, 7 in Huambo, 4 in Benguela, 3 in Namibe, 3 in Moxico, 2 in Bié and 1 in Cunene.
The laboratories have processed, in the last 24 hours, 3,588 samples.
In the treatment centres, 345 patients are hospitalised, 187 citizens are in institutional quarantine and 3,199 contacts of positive cases are under epidemiological surveillance.
Angola has 53,840 positive cases, 1,460 of which have died, 46,679 recovered patients and 5,701 active. Of those active, 38 are critical, 47 serious, 171 moderate, 89 light and 5,356 asymptomatic.