Luanda – At least 522 new cases and eighty nine recoveries is the balance announced this Sunday by the Angolan health authorities for the last 24 hours.
According to the official bulletin, 180 were diagnosed in Luanda, 119 in Huíla, 54 in Moxico, 38 in Namibe, 28 in Uíge, 21 in Cuanza Sul, 20 in Huambo, 17 in Cuanza Norte, 13 in Benguela, 10 in Bié, 8 in Lunada Norte, 7 in Cunene and Lunda Sul.
With ages ranging from a month to 86 years old, the list includes 275 female and 247 male patients.
In the last 24 hours, the labs processed 1.549 samples, with a daily positivity rate of 33.7%.
Regarding the recoveries, as per the bulletin, 81 are residents in Luanda, 5 in Huíla and 3 in Namibe.
Angola sums up a total of 83.920 confirmed cases, 64.709 recoveries, 1772 deaths and 16.439 current diseased having 9 in critical conditions, 48 severe, 89 moderates, 119 mild and 16.164 asymptomatic.
There are 275 patients in treatment centers and 171 in institutional quarantine.