Luanda - The national health authorities have reported for the last 24 hours an increase of 32 more positive cases, 17 recoveries and two deaths.
According to the clinical report to which ANGOP had access, of the new cases 20 were registered in Luanda, 6 in Cabinda, 2 in Lunda Sul, while the provinces of Benguela, Uíge, Zaire and Cuanza Sul presented with 1 case each, respectively.
Among the new patients, whose ages range from 1 to 63 years, there are 17 men and 15 women.
The recovered patients, aged between 9 and 79 years, are all residents of Luanda province.
Both deaths were registered in Luanda,
The laboratories processed 1,093 samples per RT-PCR during the period in question.
The country accounts for 19,399 positive cases so far, with 17,266 patients recovered, 459 deaths 1,674 active.
Of the active, 2 are in critical condition, 8 severe, 85 moderate, 93 mild and 1,486 asymptomatic.
There are 188 people in treatment centres.
There are 144 people in institutional quarantine, while 2,471 are under epidemiological surveillance.