Luanda – One hundred and twenty-two recoveries, 110 new cases and five deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours in Angola, the health authorities announced on Sunday.
The new cases, with ages ranging from 2 to 90 years old, were detected in provinces of Lunda Sul with 41, Cuanza Sul (23), Luanda (19), Bié (8), Huambo (6), Zaire (5), Huíla (3), Uíge (3) and Moxico 2.
Among the new patients, 64 are male and 46 female.
Four deaths were registered in Luanda and one in Uíge.
Of the recoveries, 85 were reported in Luanda, followed by Huambo with 32 and Bié (5), aged between 14 and 71 years.
Angola has currently 18,875 positive cases, with 16,347 recovered, 436 deaths and 2,092 active patients.