Luanda - Angola has been recovering more than 400 patients on a daily basis in the last three days, and last Sunday the figure was 667 recovered citizens.
The recoveries took place in Luanda (637) and in Lunda Sul (30), involving compatriots aged between 1 and 54 years, at a time when the country sees cases reducing, according to data from the last 24 hours.
Meanwhile, in this latest update, Angola recorded 37 new cases, 18 in Cuanza Sul, 12 in Luanda, 4 in Cabinda, 2 in Benguela and 1 in Zaire, aged between 5 months to 58 years, of which 20 men and 17 women.
In this period, the country did not face death, having processed 1 017 samples by RT-PCR, from a total of 323,467 people tested since March 2020, with a positivity rate of 5.6%.
Thus, in general, Angola totals 18,193 positive cases of Covid-19, recovered 13 872 patients and closely follows 3 905 active diseased (9 critical, 8 severe, 80 moderate, 93 mild and 3 715 asymptomatic, respectively).
According to the Multi-Sector Commission for Preventing and Combating the pandemic, the country registers 416 deaths and 190 hospitalized patients. At the moment, it follows 416 citizens in Institutional Quarantine and keeps 3,278 individuals under epidemiological surveillance.
It is recalled that on the 8th of current month Angola recovered the highest number of infected, a total of 757 and, on the following day, discharged 493 patients, as a sign that the authorities remain committed to preventing and fighting this invisible enemy at the level from the country.