Luanda – The Angolan health authorities announced, this Tuesday, the recovery of 863 patients infected with Covid-19, the registration of 38 new infections and 2 deaths, on the last 24 hours.
According to the daily bulletin, 180 of the recovered patients are resident in Cabinda, 169 are from Zaire, 154 from Benguela, 150 from Luanda, 50 from Huambo, 47 from Cuanza-Norte, 35 from Huíla, 34 in Uíge, 21 in Malanje, 20 in Cunene and 3 in Moxico.
Regarding the new infections, 24 of them were diagnosed in Luanda, 6 in Cabinda, 3 in Cuanza-Sul and Huambo, and two cases in Huíla.
With ages ranging from 1 to 82 years, there are 23 males and 15 females.
In the last 24 hours, the labs processed 2,873 samples through RT-PCR, with a daily infection rate of 1.3%.
Angola sums an overall of 64,762 confirmed cases, of which 1,723 resulted in deaths, plus 61,092 recoveries and 1,947 active cases.
On the current diseased, are 5 in critical condition, 6 severe, 13 moderate, 22 mild and 1,901 asymptomatic.
There are 55 patients hospitalized in treatment centers, as 83 citizens are complying institutional quarantine and 96 contacts of positive cases are under medical surveillance.