Lieutenant General Wala considers Agostinho Neto giant of African history

  • Luanda • Monday, 02 September de 2024 | 19h24
Comandante da Região Militar Centro, tenente-general Simão Carlitos Wala
Comandante da Região Militar Centro, tenente-general Simão Carlitos Wala
Aurélio Janeiro - ANGOP

Huambo - The commander of the Central Military Region (RMC), Lieutenant-General Simão Carlitos Wala, on Monday in Huambo Province, considered the first President of Angola, António Agostinho Neto, as a “giant of African history”, whose achievements inspired dynamism in the preservation of National Independence.

He was speaking at the opening of the 2nd Instruction Period 2024-2025 of the tasks concerning operational, combative, educational and patriotic preparation at the level of the RMC, which makes up the provinces of Benguela, Bié, Cuanza-Sul and Huambo (general headquarters).

In a ceremony held at the Central Military Region Command parade, in the Santo António neighborhood, on the outskirts of the city of Huambo, he said it was necessary to remember the actions of a man like President António Agostinho Neto, who produced many commanders who demanded dynamism in the defence of territorial integrity.

The military leader pointed out that the opening of the II Instruction Period takes place on a sublime occasion as it is the month of the National Hero, a fact that implies reflection on the achievements of this great man who stood out, with firmness and lucidity, in political-military leadership of the national liberation struggle for the independence of Angola.

António Agostinho Neto was born in Icolo e Bengo locality on September 17, 1922 and died in Moscow on September 10, 1979.

He was an Angolan physician, writer and politician. In 1975 he proclaimed National Independence and became the first President of Angola until 1979.

At the same time, he accompanied all the combatants, both men and women who, in the territory of the Central Military Region and other parts of the country, who sacrificed their lives in the arduous but victorious fight for the defence of the homeland and the conquest of peace, unity and national reconciliation.

He mentioned that this is one of the purposes of the permanent preparation of troops, to increasingly awaken and stimulate knowledge about operational art and military science.

The RMC commander considered that the act, which takes place at the same time as the closing of the IX Military Sports Games of the Army, constitutes a useful fusion, as sporting activities and combative preparation are included in the Instruction Year Programme, in order to raise levels of discipline, physical preparation and combat readiness of staff.

He recalled that the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) are currently committed to the imperatives of peace and stability in the region and the continent in general.

For this reason, the Lieutenant-General added that work should be done seriously on the constant preparation of the troops, through an education that places, above all, patriotism on the forefront and that praises national symbols, respect for the Constitution of the Republic, the retrieval of moral values and civic issues, the eradication of illiteracy and the preservation of public heritage, as imperatives of this situation.

We emphasize that the missions entrusted to the Army and the military regions, in particular, are not limited only to guaranteeing the defense of national terrestrial space, but also assist, whenever necessary, the bodies of the Ministry of the Interior in maintaining public order and tranquility, providing support services to the population, especially in vaccination campaigns, removal of bridges or when affected by natural calamities and in the fight against organized crime.

It is noteworthy that the Armed Forces must also promote agricultural production in all units and subunits, in order to guarantee the troop's food security process and correspond to the economic and financial context that the country faces, with the transformation of the current one, an opportunity for innovation and creativity.

He urged all general officers, superiors, captains, subalterns, sergeants, enlisted personnel and civilian workers in the Central Military Region to maintain the spirit of party and union authorization, to carry out missions with professionalism, a spirit of bravery and patriotism, as committed agents with the unity and reconciliation of the Nation.

The year of instruction takes place over a period of ten months, subdivided into two periods, and aims, among other aspects, to increase the capacity of military units and subunits, adapting them to future demands and challenges, in order to repress potential external aggression.


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