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Ombudswoman enlightens community about the functioning of the Institution

  • Luanda • Saturday, 18 May de 2024 | 19h21
Provedora de justiça Florbela Araújo com o Cônsul-Geral de Angola em Roterdão, Salvador Jesus.
Provedora de justiça Florbela Araújo com o Cônsul-Geral de Angola em Roterdão, Salvador Jesus.

Luanda - The Angolan community in the Netherlands was informed on Saturday in Rotterdam about the mandate and role of the Ombudperson in defending the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens, during a lecture organised by the Consulate General of Angola in that European country.

In the activity that brought together diplomats, religious and members of the Angolan community residing in the Netherlands, the Ombudsman, Florbela Araújo, explained the reasons that were the basis for the creation of the Institution, spoke of the role of the Ombudsmen and explained that, due to the fact that the Ombudsman's Office does not have decision-making power, issues of complex resolution are referred to the judicial bodies.

The Ombudsperson's Office, according to the speaker, has its own channels, available for the reception of complaints from citizens that give rise to requests for clarification to the institutions concerned for due resolution, stating that of the approximately 7000 complaints received in 2023 the degree of resolution is satisfactory.

She highlighted the important contribution that the institution made in the aggravation of penalties for sexual crimes and recommended the identification of a focal point of the communities to be the bridge between the community and the Ombudsperson's Office, despite the fact that they can use Angolan diplomatic institutions.

In the period of interaction with the community, citizens had convergent points due to the migratory component, where the issues of difficulties in civil registration, the existence of citizens with two identities, difficulties in the registration of children, among other topics, were highlighted.

On the occasion, the Consul General of Angola in Rotterdam, Salvador Jesus, appealed to citizens to contact the Consulate to open any process to be forwarded to the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, since not all cases are difficult to resolve.

The Angolan Ombudsman participated, in The Hague, in the 13th World Conference of the International Institute of Ombudsmen, which took place under the motto 'Working Together for our Future', which was opened by His Majesty King Willen-Alexander of the Netherlands.

The Ombudsman's Office is an independent institution whose objective is to defend the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens, ensuring, through informal means, the justice and legality of the Pública. MR/DOJ

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...