Luanda - The secretary of the ruling MPLA's Political Bureau for Information, Esteves Hilário, on Tuesday highlighted the political and military role played by the Vietnamese nationalist Ho Chi Minh in strengthening the struggle of liberation movements against colonial rule.
Esteves Hilário made the statement during a lecture on the life and work of this nationalist, writer and journalist, which was attended by members of a high-level Vietnamese delegation that is in the country to discuss cooperation between the MPLA and the Vietnamese Communist Party and their respective states in the political, economic and social fields.
During the seminar, speaker Cu Hoang Thang considered Ho Chi Minh to be ‘a noble symbol of true patriotism’, whose contributions were notable steps towards the revolutionary theory of freedom from colonialism.
He emphasized that Ho Chi Minh's greatest contribution to the era was ‘the identification of a path, a direction and a method to awaken hundreds of millions of oppressed people in the colonies’.
With his commitment, Cu Hoang Thang said, he contributed to finding solutions to the struggle for the liberation of humanity.
Cu Hoang Thang underscored that the victories of Vietnam's revolutionary cause, under the leadership of this nationalist and the Communist Party, encourage oppressed and exploited peoples around the world to fight for noble goals such as peace, national independence, democracy and human progress.
Cu Hoang Thang recalled that these examples were a source of inspiration for Angolans, who through the MPLA contributed to the success of their cause in the fight against colonialism. MGM/SC/TED/AMP