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Angolan President defends implementation of Security Council resolutions

  • Luanda • Monday, 16 October de 2023 | 17h04
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, on Monday defended the implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions for the creation of a true State of Palestine, without further hesitation.

Delivering his Message on the State of the Nation at the Solemn Opening Session of the 2023-2024 Parliamentary Year, the Head of State called on for a guarantee of security in the peaceful coexistence of Israel and Palestine.

The Angolan leader emphasised that everything must be done to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, a small fringe of land inhabited by more than two million human beings, without water, food, medical assistance or the possibility of leaving, an "open-air prison reduced to rubble".

"Let us have the courage to take this historic step, which presents itself as the only viable and definitive solution to put an end to a conflict that has claimed so many human lives," he said, referring to the UNSC resolutions.

The President said that the incapacity shown so far by the United Nations Security Council to deal with the need to resolve conflicts that threaten international peace and security reinforces the conviction that it is urgent to carry out the necessary reforms of this body, which have been repeatedly announced but never materialised, due to the lack of interest of some world powers.

João Lourenço highlighted that while Israel has the right to defend itself, to protect the lives of its citizens, the truth is that the Palestinian people also have the same right, having lived for decades in a situation of continuous occupation and annexation of parts of their territory, an unacceptable situation in the 21st century.

In this regard, President João Lourenço said that world leaders are working on initiatives to put an end to the carnage that is taking place, so that common sense prevails, there is the necessary restraint and the lives of civilians, women, children and the elderly on both sides are avoided as much as possible.

He also recalled that Angola advocates a peaceful solution to international conflicts within the framework of the United Nations Charter and international law and has called on the belligerents for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire, an indispensable premise for the negotiated resolution of conflicts through diplomatic channels.

Despite this adverse context, João Lourenço assured that Angola's foreign policy remains active, focusing above all on economic diplomacy, the search for solutions to conflicts in Africa, multilateralism, consular assistance and protection for our communities in the diaspora, as well as ongoing staff training.

"The Republic of Angola maintains cordial diplomatic relations with all states, on the basis of the basic principles of international law, and has made its voice heard in the various regional, continental and global spaces, defending a world of peace, mutually advantageous relations between states, respect for the sovereign equality and territorial integrity of states and a more balanced world order," he said.

The Angolan Head of State stressed that, regrettably, "we have seen the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine", the end of which is slow in coming, having a negative impact on international relations, creating a framework of uncertainty and opening the way for a confluence of humanitarian, food, economic and energy crises, unprecedented in the recent history of humanity.

In terms of economic diplomacy, the President of the Republic said that in addition to the ongoing objectives of attracting foreign direct investment, stimulating national exports, among others, which are on the agenda of state visits, there is growing interest in regional and continental opportunities with the aim of improving economic cooperation with African countries.

The award of the Lobito Corridor to an international consortium made up of European companies and the Angola-DRC Economic Forum held in Kinshasa are examples of the commitment to contribute to regional integration, to shorten international maritime routes and to facilitate world trade.

João Lourenço argued that the diplomatic agenda has been very much dedicated to peace in Africa, adding that a country like Angola, which has lived through almost three decades of military conflict and knows from experience the evils of conflict, cannot remain indifferent to conflicts in sister countries.

"We have been following and making a great effort to positively influence the end of the conflict in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, on which the Luanda Roadmap was signed in November 2022, which has been implemented and allowed the signing of the ceasefire in force since March of this year," he emphasised.

The Head of State was also concerned about the conflict that has broken out in Sudan, which has caused a considerable number of deaths, injuries, internally displaced people, refugees in neighbouring countries and the destruction of infrastructure and national heritage.

The President said that because of the repercussions it is having and the destabilisation it could cause in a vast region of neighbouring countries, this war, about which little is said, should have prompted the urgent convening of an extraordinary summit of the African Union.

In his view, terrorism and the unconstitutional changes to governments legitimised at the ballot box by popular vote in the Shel region and West Africa are also reasons to be permanently on the continental organisation's agenda. JM/ADR/DAN/DOJ


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...