Luanda - The Cabinet Council approved this Wednesday, in Luanda, the National Action Plan for the Eradication of Child Labour in Angola (PANETI 2021-2025).
According to a press release, the plan contains effective, immediate and integrated measures, with a view to guiding the work of the different agents in the practical application of the rights of the child, in order to eradicate child labour.
Subsequently, the Cabinet Council considered the proposal for the creation of the Multi-sector Commission for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labour, whose objective is to implement, execute and monitor strategies to combat child labour.
The Cabinet Council considered, for submission to the National Assembly, the Draft-Law approving the Code of Administrative Procedure, aiming to bring services closer to the population.
The bill establishes the principles and rules to be observed in the exercise of administrative activity, aiming to guarantee administrative decentralization, efficiency and effectiveness.
The session, chaired by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, also considered the Bill of Law that approves the Code of Procedure for Administrative Litigation, which will define the new procedural means for the realization of rights, guaranteed by mechanisms for the execution of judicial decisions.
The Code also aims to ensure, in the form of a contentious challenge to acts of the Public Administration, the expansion of the means of judicial guarantee of legally protected rights and interests.
200 kwanza coin issuance
The Council of ministers also analyzed the draft law that authorizes the Central Bank of Angola (BNA) to issue and put into circulation a commemorative coin with the value of 200 kwanzas (200 kwanza coin), in allusion to the 20th anniversary of peace in Angola, to be marked next year.
The initiative aims to contribute to national unity and cohesion, promote peace and Angola, as well as the value of the national currency, the Kwanza.
Police Posts and Ranks
The Council of Ministers will also submit to Parliament the proposal to amend the Law on the National Police Posts and Ranks, with a view to adapting it to the Basic Law on the Organization and Functioning of this institution.
The VII Ordinary Meeting of the Cabinet approved a new regulation on uniforms for the exclusive use of the National Police.
The Council of Ministers also analyzed issues related to Taxes and Fees, Higher Education, Civil Aviation as well as Agreements and Visa facilitation.