Luanda - The Minister of Culture, Tourism and Environment, Filipe Zau, said Wednesday that Angola’s pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai was very well designed.
The Cabinet minister, who congratulated the Commissioner-General for Expo 2020 Dubai, Albina Assis Africano, and her team, for the work done and the patent dignification that the structure represents for the country, showed himself sensitized with the collection of information on Sona, sand drawings of the Tchokwe culture.
"They are symbolized here in a very representative way, which gives the pavilion this whole modern, but also traditional look," said Filipe Nzau.
The minister said that although Sona's designs are linked to the Tchokwe tradition they are very modern as far as the plastic arts are concerned.
The Angola Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, since its inauguration on October 1, 2021, has received several entities, both Angolan and local, including investors interested in the Angolan market.