Luanda – Angolan minister of Culture and Tourism Filipe Zau is participating since Thursday in the Meeting of Ministers of Culture of the group of 77+China held in Cuban capital Havana.
According to a press release, the meeting promoted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) also gathers representatives from 75 countries, 57 of them in person and 18 virtually.
The Group of 77 is a group of developing countries that aim to promote the collective economic interests of its members and create a greater capacity for joint negotiations at the United Nations.
In his message, UNESCO's Deputy Director of Culture, Ernesto Renato Ottone, called on participants to adhere to the proposal to establish the defined and structured objective dedicated to culture as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
One of the topics to be debated by the plenary will be culture as a global public good, as well as South-South cooperation mechanisms and alternatives for sustainable development.
Other moments will be dedicated to the social and economic dimension of culture, as well as the role of creative economies and cultural industries in developing countries.
The third thematic axis will address the integral management of cultural heritage and the contribution of tourism dedicated to this sphere to sustainable development in less advanced countries.
The meeting will produce a final declaration aimed at concrete actions to promote culture and its multilateral link.