Luanda - The Minister of Culture, Tourism and Environment (MCTA), Jomo Fortunato, on Sunday highlighted Raúl Danda's contribution to the dissemination, preservation and affirmation of Angolan culture.
In a note of condolence on the death of the deputy, the minister highlighted his role as a researcher, actor, writer and a staunch defender of the promotion of national languages.
"With his premature death, the country also loses the services of a tireless citizen in the fight and defence of moral, civic and cultural values", reads the note to which ANGOP had access.
Raúl Danda was known for his various roles as politician, journalist and man with a passion for art and culture.
As an actor, Raúl Danda was one of the main characters of the nationally produced soap "Vidas Ocultas", broadcasted in several countries in 2001, having played together with actress Raquel da Lomba.
Raúl Danda performed, among other duties, as president of the UNITA Parliamentary Group and Vice-President of the same political party.
Graduated in Business Management and Economic Sciences at the Lusíada University of Angola, he was born in Cabinda province, on November 13, 1957.