Construction of gas plant foresees creation of 3,000 jobs

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 22 December de 2020 | 12h17
View of SONANGOL's headquarters
View of SONANGOL's headquarters
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Soyo – ENI-Angola has predicted creation of three thousand jobs as from the second quarter of 2021, after the oil company announced the construction of a natural gas processing plant.

The project has a capacity to processing 400 million cubic feet /day of gas.

The construction of the northern Zaire province-based factory will last three years and will occupy an area of ​​100 hectares in the village of Quivinca Nvemba, outskirts of Soyo municipality.

The project, a consortium between ENI-Angola-SPA and Sonangol-EP, also includes the exploration of two non-associated gas fields (Quilima and Maboqueiro).

It is located in the shallow water Angolan offshore area, 50 kilometers from the north coast from Angola to the south of the Congo River.

The project's engineering manager, Nelson Ramos, who was speaking at the end of the presentation of an environmental impact study to members of the Municipal Administration of Soyo, said that the project also includes the installation of the Quilima platform, as well as the drilling of nine natural gas wells at the site.

The manager said that another satellite platform will be created to connect the Quilima and Maboqueiro field by a seven-kilometer underwater line, as well as the drilling of four wells in the itinerary, but he did not reveal the cost of the undettaking.

Nelson Ramos said that the project  will also have an onshore gas treatment station, consisting of a separation, stabilisation, dehydration and compression unit for associated gas and stabilisation for condensates.

He stated that the liquefied natural gas processing plant "Angola LNG", operating in Soyo since 2012, will be the main recipient of the gas to be produced at the new plant.

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