Angosat-2 attracts potential clients in Angola, SADC

  • Luanda • Friday, 27 January de 2023 | 17h30
Centro de Controlo e Missão de Satélites
Centro de Controlo e Missão de Satélites
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda – Local companies and others from Southern African countries have expressed interest in "Angosat-2" satellite services, whose sale is in charge of the Management Office of the National Space Programme (GGPEN).

This was announced by minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Media (MINTTICS), Mário Oliveira, on Friday, adding that  the official launch of the trading of "Angosat-2" services will begin in the next few days.

According to him, some national operators and those from neighbouring countries have already contacted the sector to show interest. 

The official said that GGPEN was authorised, in this transitory phase, to sell Angosat-2 services, a task that will also involve the Angolan Institute of Communications (INACOM). 

"In the next few days, we will officially launch the trading of Angosat-2 services," said the minister, speaking to the press on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Satellite Control and Mission Centre by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço. 

The GGPEN is overseen by MINTTICS and, among other tasks, has as its goals the promotion of the peaceful use of space and the carrying out of technical studies in the space sector. 

This body is tasked with developing strategic studies aimed at establishing cooperation agreements with technical and scientific institutions in the space field.

Also to ensure the creation of national technological and human competences and the transfer of technology and know-how, as part of the National Space Programme. 

Prior to the official launch of the sale of Angosat- services, according to the minister, some administrative procedures will be observed, with regard to regularisation, as work is already well advanced in this area. 

Angosat-2 will provide services in the C, KU and KA band - systems that have successfully passed the testing stage, with the next stage being prepared which is commercialisation. 

He explained that the revocation of services (from other satellites) that the country was using will be gradual, since the satellites are not in the same orbital position. 

He said that during this transition phase, national operators will work to "redesign" their networks so that they can point their antennas at Angosat-2. 

The official also said that the satellite antennas are pointed according to the orbit in which the satellites are located. 

The President of the Republic, in Presidential Order No. 11/23, of 23 January, authorised the commercial operation of Angosat-2.


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