Luanda - The Ocean represents for the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) great natural, scientific, cultural and political potential, deserving international protection, said this Monday the CPLP Executive Secretary, Zacarias Costa.
The secretary stressed that while speaking, via videoconference, at the opening session of the XII Congress of Portuguese-speaking world Ports, which takes place in Luanda, with the participation of executive directors from the different member countries.
Zacarias Costas underlined, on the occasion, that more than 80% of the transport of goods in the world is carried out by sea, which makes the ports and port activities increasingly important and relevant in world economic development strategies.
“The importance of ports is contained in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated goals, with relevant activities that contribute to the progress of societies and the creation of jobs and wealth”, said Zacarias Costa.
To him, there is a social responsibility and corporate goals that cannot be neglected and, therefore, "each port business must carry out an assessment that will determine the material relevance for its business, as well as factors such as the economic, spatial and environmental".
He also understands that due to the discontinuous nature of the territories and the strategic points of the ports, the CPLP can get many benefits that will allow it to generate resilience in the face of possible changes in the situation and create sustainability bases for the rational use of existing resources in the member states.
For two days, the lecturers will debate on three panels, focused on the themes "Innovation and Digitization at the service of port competitiveness", "Angolan Ports - from JUP to JUL - digitalization strategy for ports and logistics in Angola", " “Brazilian Ports - The challenges of the Paperless Port Project”.
“Portuguese Ports - A JUL (SLW) – Single Logistics Window – present and future”, “The resilience of CPLP ports and the challenges of de-carbonizing the economy”, “Quality and Environmental Sustainability at the Port of Itaqui”, “Towards carbon neutrality – Challenges for Portuguese ports”, are also under discussion.
Finally, the participants will analyze “The Resilience of Portuguese Ports” and “Port Law in CPLP Countries”.