Luanda - The government will reactivate the Platform for drafting of the National Investment Plan for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition (PNIASAN), 2021/2022, to allow for greater efficiency in spending, State Secretary for Planning, Milton Reis said today.
According to the Govrenment official, this platform will improve the quality of agricultural public spending in Angola, promoting joint planning of investments in agriculture and greater articulation in the implementation of projects.
Speaking Thursday, at the Bi-Weekly Briefing of the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP), he noted that with the platform efforts will be reduced and it will be easier to identify functional mechanisms.
Besides the Ministry of Planning, the platform is coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MINAGRIP) and has technical support from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
The platform aims to promote a process of consultation and technical dialogue with all government bodies that plan and execute investment in agriculture and fisheries, to elaborate a cohesive and feasible National Investment Plan for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition (PNIASAN).
It intends to guarantee the alignment of Government efforts, of investments in agriculture and fisheries, and to foster the discussion on which are the best strategies to implement according to the Country's needs.