Caxito - One hundred and twenty-nine million and 515 thousand kwanzas is the turnover hit in the 10th edition of the Banana Fair, which ended today, in the Panguila market, Bengo Province.
The provincial governor, Maria Antónia Nelumba, who provided the information on the closing act, said the figure represents the sales volume of a total of 500 tons and 195 kilograms of various products.
The governor was pleased with the positive way as the event has taken place and said she hoped the next few years will be better.
She recalled that Bengo's banana is already exported to some countries, such as Namibia, RDC, Congo Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Russia.
The event was attended by 368 exhibitors between small and large, associations of peasants, cooperatives, industries, commerce, mineral resources and other services.
Banana, sweet potato, dry cassava, pumpkin, yam, manioc, orange, lemon, papaya, passion fruit, pineapple, different vegetables, sugar cane and dry fish were the most marketed products at the event.
In addition to the banana, other production factors such as agricultural machinery and equipment that intervene in the production chain were exposed.
For four days, more than 3,930 people visited the fair, which also was attended by producers from Uige province.
The Banana Fair was instituted by the Bengo Provincial Government in 2012, and has been the largest stock exchange at the province level. FS/IF/DOJ