Census/2024: Secretary of State wants greater engagement from journalists

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 10 September de 2024 | 14h23
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Logomarca oficial Censo 2024
Logomarca oficial Censo 2024
Frank Béu-ANGOP
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Secretário de Estado para a Comunicação Social, Nuno Caldas
Secretário de Estado para a Comunicação Social, Nuno Caldas
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Luanda - The Secretary of State for Social Communication, Nuno Caldas Albino, called Tuesday in Luanda for greater engagement and commitment from media professionals in the General Population and Housing Census (RGPH), which kicks off on the 19th of September across the country.

Speaking at the second seminar aimed at journalists as part of the 2024 Census, the Secretary of State emphasised that the Census will be the largest and most complex statistical operation the country has carried out since 2014.

According to the Secretary of State, journalists, analysts and opinion-makers have a key role to play in this process.

He also said that it was part of the preparatory actions to achieve the objectives of the Census, which will provide statistical data that is essential for formulating good public policies.

According to the Secretary of State, the Census is a social mobilisation operation that requires everyone's participation and collaboration, and the contribution of the media is important.

He added that the media, analysts and digital influencers have the capacity to mobilise and sensitise the population to everyone's participation in this process.

‘The mission of raising awareness, mobilising and communicating in an increasingly global world is everyone's responsibility, including journalists with particular emphasis on the important role they play in the process of transmitting information and shaping social awareness,’ he stressed.

The seminar, aimed at journalists from public and private organisations, covered topics related to the characterisation and fundamental notions of the RGPH 2024, the timetable of actions carried out and in progress under the RGPH 2024.

The RGPH 2024 communication plan, essential tasks to be carried out by the Multisectoral Provincial Commissions to Support the RGPH 2024, as well as the launch/opening session, were also discussed.

The General Population and Housing Census (Census) will take place under the slogan ‘Together we count for Angola’.

The first General Population and Housing Census (RGPH) was carried out in Angola in the post-independence period, ten years ago.

 At the time, it was learnt that the country had more than 25 million inhabitants, of which nearly seven million were in Luanda.

The Population Projection (2024) of the National Statistics Institute (INE) indicates that the country has more than 35 million inhabitants. HM/CPM/ASS/DAN/DOJ



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