Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Handball development strategic guide presented

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 10 April de 2024 | 07h25
Cerimónia de lançamento do plano estratégico de desenvolvimento do andebol nacional
Cerimónia de lançamento do plano estratégico de desenvolvimento do andebol nacional
Nelson Malamaba - ANGOP

Luanda - A Strategic Guide plan for the Development of National Handball until 2030 was released Yesterday, at the Sports Gallery, in Luanda, by the Angolan Handball Federation (FAAND).

The document, with 181 pages, was presented by the vice-president of the federation, Domingos Nascimento, to sports agents, journalists and the general public.

The publication provides a seven-year time perspective and is based on six structuring pillars, in a comprehensive and sustainable approach that will solidify Angola's position as a handball powerhouse in Africa and around the world.

The six pillars of the strategic plan are: handball in communities, handball at school, handball in clubs and academies, means of support and development of handball, training of sports agents and handball variants.

These pillars will be rulled by 26 strategic objectives, which are expressed in their 48 implementation axes, being guided by 114 operational objectives, embodied in 187 measures.

The actions will be developed over the recommended seven years.

The pillars of the strategic plan provide the conceptual basis and its guiding principles, defining the key areas of importance and the values that should guide all decisions.

According to Domingos Nascimento, the federation will hold lectures in other provinces, to disseminate the document.

The National Handball Strategic Development Plan, owned by the Angolan Handball Federation, was coordinated by José Amaral Júnior, written by Ana Cristina Pereira and Silva Candembo.


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...