Luanda – The Environment Ministry presented Thursday several endangered species, namely the Cheetah, Giant Black Sable, Elephant, African forest buffalo, Red Buffalo, Brown Hyena, Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Lion, Leopard and the Pangolin.
The data were presented during a workshop to present the red list of endangered species in the country and the project for their conservation called "Top10+1”, in the framework of the World Nature Conservation Day celebration marked on July 28.
The data showed poaching, degradation and fragmentation of their habitat, poisoning and capture of several young species, as the main causes that put these species in the list of endangered ones.
Recent data from the Ministry of Environment indicate that in the framework of the actions for the defence and enhancement of biodiversity carried out by the Executive in recent years has been made possible to protect 175 species of animals and plants, previously placed on the red list of vulnerable and endangered species.
The statement adds that the Top10+1 project is one of the country's main references in the preservation of biological diversity,with the support of Sonangol and Africa Range-Wide, whose aim is to raise awareness of the population regarding the importance of the conservation of endangered wildlife species.
The goal is also to attract public attention to biodiversity conservation actions, thus reducing local pressures and threats and joining synergies with Angolan artists to draw more attention from the population.
The project also promotes environmental actions that assist the government on issues related to the diversification of the economy, using sustainable methods.