Lubango – At least 1,500 species of plants of fruits and for forestry were planted in 2024 by 33 community organisations, in seven municipalities of the southern provinces of Huila and Namibe, with the godfathering of the NGO Action for Rural Development and Environment (ADRA).
The municipalities covered by the programme are Caluquembe, Cacula, Gambos, Chibia and Humpata (Huíla), as well as Bibala and Moçâmedes (Namibe), aiming for improvements in the nutritional area and forest replenishment.
The information was given this Wednesday to ANGOP, by ADRA’s projects head in the two provinces, Anastácia Tchilete, who explained that the seedling work took place in Humpata Municipality, through a partnership with the Forests Development Institute (IDF).
According to the source, the plants are developing well, and this is due to the engagement of different sensibilities, namely members of municipal administrations, agronomy and environment specialists.
Anastácia Tchilete ADRA has been involved in various actions of environment preservation. The NGO has supported roughly 5,788 families in fifteen communities in terms of climate action, access to seeds resistant to climate variations, as well as with water supplied in varied forms like cisterns and boreholes.
“Families can now have cleaner water suitable for consumption, compared to what they used to consume, which would come from improper sources, in the municipalities of Humpata, Gambos, Cacula, Caluquembe and Chibia”, she emphasised.
The Angolan Ngo ADRA exists since 1990 and its action is focused on the promotion of sustainable development of communities, chiefly in the rural areas.