Caxito – A total of 12 agricultural cooperatives, in the province of Bengo, benefited from financing for the acquisition of agricultural mechanization equipment, within the scope of the program to accelerate family farming and reinforce food security, dubbed “OSI YETU”.
The cooperatives, from the municipalities of Bula Atumba, Dande, Quibaxi and Nambuangongo, benefited from a global amount of Akz 378.82 million (USD1= Akz 912,29) financed by the Support Fund for Agrarian Development (FADA).
According to the report on Socio-Economic projects in the Agriculture Sector that ANGOP had access to, in 2024, 26 cooperative processes from Bengo were sent to FADA for financing purposes, of which 12 were approved, 9 withdrew, 3 have the NIF (Tax Identification Number) suspended and 2 with high debt with national banks.
FADA is an institution that provides financing to peasant families and its main objective is to promote agricultural activity.
The “Osi Yetu” program aims to accelerate the diversification of production and productivity on agricultural farms, reinforce training levels and expand financing to the family farming subsector, targeting agri-cooperatives, individual farmers, micro and small farming companies. MD/CJ/PA/CF/jmc